stefanreich wrote:How to fund the new dictionary or freecode alternative?
Works like it is right now, doesn't it? Money will come in time.
Is croudfunding a way to keep it up and running?
Sure but no hurry there I say.
Who should be able to announce new saoftware and under what conditions?
Anyone. Only intelligent spam filtering (only if REALLY necessary) should be done, nothing else.
I have a few ideas how to make fair posting possible. We can have different "areas", like one where lots of releases stream through, without filtering. And other areas where it is more moderated or limited.
First, let's just collect all new software postings!
Hi Stefan, how are you

Yes, I also think to first start the thing. I have made the decision to fund the forum here using this domain and the hosting.
This takes only a bit of mony per year for the domain + website + email address. I am not sure if I can start a mailing list on
it, but maybe.
Please officially start a thread about your first release and create some documentation how to post new software releases.
As I have seen it now, please let it as is for the first run, maybe the link would really be clickable.
Some developers and brains could be join to get a design for it. Some cron job may have a look per day and filter it for
preparation into a markup like HTML site that can be part in a review process. I may create an application for it that could
be used for it decentrally from time to time. (Starting it fulltime would include Windows Server hosting and cost a bit more).
Start it from my home server may be usable for a scheduled session that may be announced here.
See for the application creation at my project that is currently listed and it's capabilities.
Short description of it as an idea:
Login is possible per user account. Login is restrictable per application, not any more yet (I am working on it).
Full access ist granted to all modeled tables, separate applications could be build for separate views at table level.
Grab the listed applications into a database with some enriched columns for reviewed, accepted, publisched for html markup.
Also having some other control mechanisms in it. If the basic application is working, I may present it here. Some trusted users
may get an account for it for the review process.
The HTML mark up may be possible with the builtin reporting module

As a next step I would suggest a login mechanism for the software list to avoid abuse. It could also be used to keep posts per account
trackable and linkable per project (project = account, link = release page, account has to be linked with product page and verified)